Current sports projects
Sport means happiness, energy and freedom.
I am constantly looking for new ways of challenging my body. Here’s an overview of my current sports projects.
Contact me if you want to join in!
Latin/Ballroom Dancing
I am currently looking for a dancing partner in Munich! During the last four years, I've danced in Salzburg, participating in small tournaments and training at least twice a week whilst having fun with amazing people.
Spring is finally coming and so is beachvolleyball season! With a court right on the uni campus, I am looking forward to spending my breaks playing in the sand. During the winter indoor season, I've got to know some great players to play with at ZHS (klick icon for link).
After a productive winter in the jogging paradise Englischer Garten, I am currently preparing for a half marathon in Munich in April.
There is nothing better than pushing your stamina after a long day at university..
Bike tour to Innsbruck
One of the most exciting projects: Riding from Munich to Innsbruck in one day with a close friend. Our legs will carry us over the north alps to some friends of mine who are studying in the beautiful alpine city.
Mountains are the place where I feel absolute freedom and peace of mind. This year, some longer hikes are planned with my new friends in Munich - spending a few days in the mountains. Of course, I won't miss doing some power-hiking tours at home.
My fingers definitely have to get stronger. Four days at Lago di Garda during the Easter Holidays and some bouldering sessions in Munich should fix this issue.